Hi, I'm Ibrahim

Software Developer

I am a software developer based in Lagos, Nigeria. I am always seeking for new opportunities to equip myself with skillsets that will set me apart from others.

My Portfolio

Here is a collection of projects I have worked on so far

pixel art project
pixel art maker
pixel art project
memory game
pixel art project
pixel art project
Store manager js
pixel art project
Store manager react

picture of Ibrahim
More About Me

I am a passionate full-stack web developer, always interested in projects that helps to ease different processes in different aspects of people's lives. Aside programming, I also love to work on projects or work with organisations/people that have to do with teaching and mentoring individuals that are starting their journey as software developers.

I love to be part of any movement that inspires people to believe in their abilities to grow as individuals. I strongly believe that with focus and consistent effort, our wildest imaginations will transform into reality.

Click Here to see my full range of my skills.

Contact Ibrahim

I look forward to hearing from you 🙂